
Euro-Asian Center for Policy Studies and Management





  • President: Dr. Syed Saifullah
  • Vice - President: Vittore Giacomini

Board of Directors:
  • Dr. Syed Saifullah
  • Vittore Giacomini
  • Fabrizio Gambetti


Technical Board:

  • Director: Fabrizio Gambetti
  • Vice - Direttore: Prof. Randolph Barker
Financial Administrator:
  • Andree Janicaud

Technical Board members:


Members Country Istitute
Prof. David Clark UK University of Wales, Swansea
Prof. Jennifer Rusted UK University of Sussex
Mr. Jean Balie France University of Sussex Société Générale (now retired)
Ms. Françoise Janicaud France  
Dr. Gian MarcoAgostini Italy  
Vittore Giacomini Italy  
Elvira Desideri Italy  
  Asian and Pacific  
Prof. Ammar Siamwala Thailandia Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI)
Dr. Sang-Mu Lee Republic of Korea  
Dr. Naoto Yoshikawa Japan Hawaii Tokai International College
Prof. Arsenio Balisacan Philippines University of the Philippines, Diliman
Dr. Donato Antiporta Philippines Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Prof.: Jikun Huang China Chinese Center for Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of sciences
Prof. G. K. Chadha India Jawaharlal Nerhu University, New Delhi
  North America  
Prof. Randolph Barker USA Cornell University (now retired)
Prof. Scott Rozelle USA University of California, Davis
Dr. Mohiuddin Alamgir, USA Director policy and planning, International Funds for Agricultural Development (IFAD), (now retired)

Erusma Activities


This section is dedicated to our research activities regarding alternative policy and programme options to mitigate poverty, incidence and risks of marginalization of community, regions and country in the context of globalisation with focus on enhancing private sector participation and more...

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ERUSMA is dedicated to promote rural health, particularly maternal health, prenatal, postnatal care and prevention of child injuries...

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Erusma development projects

This section is dedicated to the development projects in which Erusma is engaged...

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Erusma is dedicated to promoting sports in the rural areas as sport and physical education occupy an important role in human development. It has contributed to establish a sport center for the poor rural children in Bangladesh...



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Get in touch


Connect with us

The President Erusma
Euro-Asian Center for Policy Studies and Management
Via Alcidamante di Elea, 34
00124 Rome, Italy
Tel: + 39 06 5093 0693 Fax: + 30 06 5093 0693
Mobile:+ 39 348 77 66 567/+39 339 14 80 753 E-mail:

Regional representative for Asia
Erusma Euro-Asian Center for Policy Studies and Management
3/F School of Economics Building University of the Philippines Diliman,
Quezon City 1101, Philippines
Tel. No.: 927-9686 local 332 TeleFax: (63-2) 926-4615

Country office
Erusma -Bangladesh House no: 8
Road no: 90 Gulshan 2 Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Tel: +880(02)881 3802

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